
Current Months StatsCV/ResumePast ProjectsMy WebsitesAbout Me

Resume / CV

Alistair J McCormick
London / Washington D.C.
Currnetly: Software Engineer @ Deloitte
Alistair is an experienced Full Stack Engineer who loves javascript, design, and working with great people. Alistair's tools of choice are Figma, ReactJs NextJs, TypeScript, JavaScript, Rest APIs, GraphQL, and NodeJs. But believes that a good Engineer should be flexible and able to jump into new technologies with enthusiasm. Having worked with non-profits, startups, individuals, and corporate giants Alistair can jump into a wide range of teams and company structures. With the belief that bringing positive energy to work everyday makes a strong team and great software. Alistair believes in open communication and is always willing to hop on a quick call or meet to work through a problem.
What I do outside of work
Playing and Watching Soccer | My Club: Liverpool
Baking | Sourdough and Bagels
Biking | Current Rig: Specialized Diverge
Motorcycles | Current Rig: None :(
Traveling | Last Trip: Maine
Watch Movies | Last great film: Perfect Days
Sometimes I Draw, Film, Take Photos
Consultant (Fullstack Engineer)
Deloitte | Jan 2024 - Present
Javascript | ReactJs | NextJs | NodeJs | AI | Google Cloud | Rest APIs | Figma
Software Engineer
Amira Learning | Aug 2021 - Aug 2023
Javascript | ReactJs | NodeJs | Game Design | A/B Testing
Javascript Developer
Plutora | Sept 2020 - Aug 2021
Javascript | AngularJs | Enterprise Software | Client Services
Fullstack Developer
Freelance | June 2019 - Mar 2021
Javascript | ReactJs | Python | ChartJs | Client Services
Natural History Museum | Sept 2017 - June 2019
Javascript | ReactJs | PHP | Drupal